Rep. Jeffrey Elmore visits Topsail Annandale Elementary

HAMPSTEAD, NC - As part of the "NCPTA Elected Official Go to School Week" program, Representative Jeffrey Elmore from the North Carolina House of Representatives paid a special visit to Topsail Annandale Elementary School. This initiative, organized by the North Carolina PTA, encourages elected officials to actively engage in the daily activities of North Carolina Public Schools.

The program extends invitations to various elected officials, including county commissioners, local board of education members, state legislators, and others. Their participation provides them with firsthand insights into the routines and experiences of both students and staff within the state's public schools.

"During today's visit Rep. Elmore gained invaluable insights into the needs and aspirations of our students and educators," Pender County Schools Superintendent Dr. Brad Breedlove said. "It's through such engagement that we can work collaboratively to strengthen public education in North Carolina."

Rep. Elmore's visit to TAES was marked by a comprehensive tour of the school premises, providing him with an intimate look into the school's facilities and classrooms. During his time at the school, he also engaged in meaningful discussions with the school's administration and dedicated members of the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA).

The primary objective of this program is to enhance elected officials' awareness and support for public education in North Carolina. This understanding is vital as they make decisions and advocate for policies that impact public education throughout the state.