
SURF CITY, NC - "What did you do during your summer vacation?" 

Remember coming back to school to that question when you were a kid? You'll have to excuse Maris Jordan if asked, because her answer may go over the heads of her peers, and possibly over the heads of adults as well.

The Surf City Middle 8th grader has been accepted to the Inspirit Artificial Intelligence Online Enrichment Program sponsored by Ph.D. graduates from Harvard, Columbia, Yale, and Stanford. Her particular instructors will be MIT graduates. 

Maris Jordan

She also earned a $200 scholarship to be used toward the tuition for the program.

While working in groups of five students or less, Maris will focus on ethics and project development in two separate areas - automotive AI and medical AI. Through the program Maris will join students from around the world to work on AI projects that will focus on coding languages, addressing worldwide issues using world datasets, and learning to control AI Python and RunDexter programming languages.

A straight-A student, Maris enjoys sports and art activities, but her aptitude for coding and new coding languages presents challenges that she readily accepts and enjoys. Her leadership in the classroom has been well demonstrated during her time at Surf City Middle whether working independently or in a team setting.